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November Employee of the Month 2021: Holly Harris

The Eastern Panhandle office would like to nominate Holly Harris for EOM. Since Holly took on Case Manager/Wraparound Facilitation she has taken the bull by the horns and ran with it. Holly has received praise from Aetna and many staff from Home Base regarding her prompt and completed work. Holly has gone above and beyond providing services with her clientele as well as provided them with adaptive equipment and other services the families or clients have asked for. Holly is an exceptional employee and gets all her work in on deadline. I am very thankful to have Holly on my Martinsburg team!!!

Damon Cater, "Holly has become a CSED wrap around Facilitator in the Eastern Panhandle. Taking on a full case load in just the past several weeks, Holly has astounded both our unit team and our partners at Aetna with her ability to quickly and effectively manage all of the new clients she has taken on. Holly goes the extra mile to see that her client's needs are met. Not only is she concerned about their mental health needs, but also keeps a look out for their personal and social wellbeing, connecting them with supports and resources that are unique to each family. Holly has demonstrated that she is competent and understands that her role as a Wrap Facilitator is to serve the families in the Eastern Panhandle with compassion and care. Thanks Holly!!

Laura Childers, "I concur on Holly. She has been ROCKING this new position!!!"

Joanne Porter, "Yes, she has! She is a rockstar!"

Well deserved Holly and congratulations on this month's Employee of the Month!!!



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